When you want to export the result of your analysis to Excel or full CSV in Explorer, you can specify a concept as TARGET CONCEPT in export configuration box. In this case, the sentiment analysis is performed only for your target concept. More precisely, for sentiment analysis, Explorer only considers those sentences that include at least one term from your target concept. This applies to both our built in sentiments and concept that you choose under CONCEPT TO ANALYZE in configuration box. For example suppose that you have a concept called Food including the terms "food", "breakfast" and "lunch" and you choose it as target concept for your data. Now for the following text,

"The room was nice. The lobby was modern and there was free coffee. I enjoyed the breakfast, however the restaurant was too expensive."

we have only one sentence including your topic which is,

"I enjoyed the breakfast, however the restaurant was too expensive."

This is the only sentence which is considered for sentiment analysis.